- General products: Please bring the item and original receipt to the in-store Customer Service desk of the H Mart store where you made your purchase, within 7 days of purchase. If you are unable to return the item within 7 days, please call the store in advance so that a representative can record your information and process the return for the next time you visit.
- Refrigerated / frozen products (including vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, milk, ice cream, frozen foods): please bring the item and original receipt to the in-store Customer Service desk of the H Mart where you made your purchase, within 24 hours of purchase. If you are unable to return the item within 24 hours, please call the store in advance and store it well to keep the item from deteriorating.
For any additional questions regarding your purchase, you can visit your local H Mart Customer Service desk or click here to find your local H Mart contact information. Our staff is happy to assist you!