Ground delivery refers to shipping within the United States, Monday - Saturday excluding holidays.
We deliver to most addresses within the 48 contiguous states excluding Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and Guam. P.O. Box, Army Post Office (APO), and Fleet Post Office (FPO) addresses are not available for delivery.
P.O. Box address directed to school
Please check if the school receives and holds your packages before placing an order. We still need a full street address. If you have a mailbox number, please enter it as Address 2 at checkout.
All orders will be shipped out on a first come, first served basis.
Once an order has been placed, we need 1-3 business days to prepare your order prior to shipment. However, processing time may be delayed due to various situations.
Once the order ships out, you will receive a shipment confirmation email with tracking information. Transit time can be changed while the packages are on the way depending on the destination address and weather conditions.